Romania needs no natural gas from Russia

Publicat de Cosmin Meca, 15 septembrie 2015, 16:03 / actualizat: 30 ianuarie 2021, 10:58
The Industrial Empire of billionaire Ioan Niculae has crumbled. Thousands of people lost their jobs after the six fertilizer factories owned by the businessman’s InterAgro group were shut down this year. InterAgro was the biggest natural gas guzzler in Romania, with its 3 billion cubic meters of gas consumed every year. That’s more than the whole Romanian population’s annual consumption of two and a half billion cubic meters of natural gas. With these inefficient factories out of the picture, Romania will no longer have to import natural gas from Russia, as the domestic output is more than enough to make it through the winter. Billionaire Ioan Niculae is behind bars now, serving a two and a half year sentence for bribing social-democrat politicians.