Ascultă Radio România Oltenia - Craiova Live

The mistress of Vlad Dracula

Radio România Oltenia

Publicat de Cosmin Meca, 5 iulie 2015, 13:16 / actualizat: 29 ianuarie 2021, 21:48

katIt is said that Vlad the Third, also known as Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, lived a long yet fierce love story with Katharina Siegel. The young daughter of a weaver, Katharina was of Transylvanian Saxon origin. According to popular belief, their relationship lasted for more than 20 years, during which they had 5 children, although they were never married.

They met on a cold December morning, when young Katharina was struggling to pull a heavy sledge of food for the soldiers of the Weavers Bastion. Vlad offered his help and fell in love with her instantly.

Everyone was suprised of his reactions and attitude towards her, because no one had ever seen him so jealous before. He wanted her to have he best, so he would bring her the best silk and lace dresses from Venice and the Flanders region of Belgium.

Vlad was already married when they met, and after his first wife committed suicide, their marriage plans were ruined by Vlad’s second marriage, one he arranged for political reasons.


Katharina stood by Vlad the Impaler even when he lost his trone, and after he was assassinated, she decided to live the rest of her life in a monastery.

The legends say that their love story was an intense and fisty one, cluttered with jealousy and nervous breakdowns. Weren’t they a couple of hot-blooded lovers…

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